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  • What does Hadrian Real Estate PLC do?
    Hadrian Real Estate PLC is a property developer predominantly operating in the Private Rental Sector (PRS) market. The company will build and maintain a pipeline of projects in key geographic regions in the North and Midlands, which will deliver its strategic aim of creating more than 3,000 new homes in the next five years. The company will also develop a number of bespoke residential property schemes for sale.
  • Why was the company founded?
    Newly established in 2020, as High Street Group PLC, to focus on PRS and take new projects forward, the original business underwent a change of ownership during establishment and is now led by a group of directors and non-executive directors with experience in both the property market and operating profitable businesses. Under the change of ownership and new name (to avoid confusion against other companies) Hadrian Real Estate PLC has been mobilised and formed under a PLC structure to ensure a high level of governance is part of its DNA from the beginning.
  • Why has the business taken PLC status and are you floating on the Stock Exchange?
    Hadrian Real Estate PLC has adopted a PLC status to ensure that it maintains the highest levels of governance in all of its practices. Hadrian Real Estate PLC has no plans to list on the Stock Exchange in the forseeable future.
  • Who owns Hadrian Real Estate PLC?
    The company is owned by multiple private investors. The largest shareholder is Gavin Fraser, who bought out the previous largest shareholder.
  • What assets does Hadrian Real Estate PLC own?
    Hadrian Real Estate PLC currently owns several assets in various stages of development including Pottery Lane and a number of housing developments. Hadrian Real Estate PLC, as part of the agreed strategy, is stabilising those assets which have already transferred and seeking to expand its pipeline of projects in accordance with its business plan.
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